Marketing is Too Important to be Left to the Marketing Department

It was HP co-founder, David Packard, of all people, who came up with one of my favorite quotes on marketing, specifically that “marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.”

This quote is often mentioned in the same breath as these famous Peter Drucker quotes:

  • “Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two – and only two – basic functions: marketing and innovation.”
  • “Marketing is not only much broader than selling, it is not a specialized activity at all.  It encompasses the entire business.  It is the whole business seen from the point of view of its final result, that is, from the customer’s point of view.”

I’ve always been a big believer in the last statement — that marketing is the whole business seen from the point of view of the customer — and that statement often guided me during my marketing career, including many years as a CMO.

Marketing isn’t just tactical — it’s also strategic — and the strategic part is why it’s too important to be left to the marketing department (alone).  The CEO can’t confuse delegation with abdication and move all strategy over the marketing department.  On the flip side, too many marketing departments “go tactical” and ignore their strategic obligations and opportunities.

If you distill a SaaS business down to two things, Drucker’s quote is pretty spot on:

  • We acquire customers
  • We deliver them a service

Marketing has both a strategic and tactical role in each.

  • Strategically, marketing can help define the target market, the buyer persona (i.e., the person who we sell to), what problem we solve for them, and why they might want to buy from us.  Marketing can also play an important role in definition of the service, not just looking out for customers (as sales and product management do already) but also by keeping an eye on competitors and market trends.
  • Tactically, over the past 20 years, marketing has been given more and more ownership for creating the sales pipeline.  (See Predictable Revenue or From Impossible to Inevitable.)  While CMOs of the past were largely strategic product marketers with some demandgen chops, CMOs of the future better be ambidextrous when it comes to skills and equally passionate about pipeline generation and product positioning.

Great marketers strive for and achieve a balance between tactical and strategic contribution.  Tactical is table stakes — if you can’t fill the pipeline, the salespeople will come for you with dogs and torches like the villagers in Frankenstein.


Sales preparing to give marketing feedback about insufficient pipeline coverage

But preventing that isn’t the point.

The point is to keep the villagers happy while making a strategic contribution to building a great company.  Which is the part of marketing that’s too important to be left to the marketing department — but which is the part that marketing itself shouldn’t abdicate.


22 responses to “Marketing is Too Important to be Left to the Marketing Department

  1. Pingback: Mattermark Daily - Tuesday, March 29th, 2016 - Mattermark

  2. I agree that marketing tends to be seen as a luxury or something that complements product development and sales, rather than an integral part of how a company operates. Maybe it reflects a lack of appreciation of the role and impact of marketing, or perhaps marketing is seen as a cost centre.

  3. Pingback: Why Don't Startups Take Marketing More Seriously?

  4. Pingback: Marketing is Too Important to be Left to the Marketing Department | Geek Mag

  5. Lance Bower Tai

    Great post. With your great knowledge and crack development team you certainly rocked the sales in the last quarter. Congratulations to you and your Sales team, Development (especially your experts running Modelling Cloud), Marketing (new CMO?). Other lesser companies are laying-off sales people, losing key C-Level Marketing folks and missing their numbers and losing their development genius (who is usually a pain to work with) behind their new product. Love reading your BLOG and you inspire with your strategy. Oracle is, I am sure, shaking in their boots fearing the Host onslaught.

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  18. Well said. I often struggle with even the concept of a ‘marketing department’. As Drucker said, ‘it is not a specialized activity at all. It encompasses the entire business.’

    So isn’t it a bit weird having a Marketing department? It’s a bit like having a ‘Business department’.

    I’d love to hear other thoughts on this.

    • Specialized skill set, particularly in these times, warrants specialized experts IMHO so yes, I think there should be a department. But yes, it needs to aligned with company, sales, and strategy. That’s the hard part.

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  20. Pingback: The Three Marketing Books All Founder/CEOs Should Read – Kellblog

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