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How To Build a Marketing Machine, Presentation from a Balderton Capital Meetup

I hopped over to London a few weeks back to visit my friends at Balderton Capital (where I’m now working as an EIR) and during the visit we decided to host a meetup for portfolio company founders, CEOs, and CMOs to discuss the question of how to build a marketing machine.

We based the meetup on the presentation I recently delivered at SaaStock EMEA of the same title, but in a pretty compressed twenty-minute format.  This time, we took closer to 40 minutes and had some fun conversation and Q&A thereafter.

This is a hot topic today because in this era of high growth, flush funding, and rapid scaling, just about everyone I know is trying to turn their marketing into a machine so they can push the levers forward and grow, grow, grow.  This presentation talks about how to do that.

The slides from the presentation are embedded below.  You can find a video of a private recording of the presentation on the Balderton website.

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